Taking the time to think about what you learned soon after the field trip enhances the value of the field trip. The Field Trip Journal Entry Form has a space for your children to record some of the ideas that they learned during their field trip.

Actvity Demonstration

     Before attending the Universal Coprolite Day, I filled in the top portion of a Field Trip Journal Entry Form. Notice that I wrote the name of the event, “Universal Coprolite Day,” on the line at the top left of the form.

     I checked the Calvert Marine Museum’s website to verify the date of the Coprolite Day and to discover the museum address. I also determined the time the museum opened on the Coprolite Day.

     Under the Purpose section I asked a question. “How can scientists use the coprolite to understand the ancient animal that created it?”

     When I got to the museum, I discovered that there were five coprolite stations setup in various parts of the museum. I asked where each station was located and then made sure I visited each one. I asked many questions and recorded the answers in a little notebook.

     I reviewed my Purpose Question. I had learned that it is difficult to determine which animal pooped. However, using various clues it was possible to guess. I thought that I had learned the answer to my purpose, so I put a check beside the Purpose.

     When I got home, I reviewed what I had learned during the Coprolite Day. I recorded what I had learned in the middle section of the journal entry form, “What I learned.” I did not write in complete sentences. I only wrote enough to help me understand my notes at a later date.

I never allow my students to write notes in complete sentences. Writing only enough to remember the thought helps prevent plagiarism latter.

     Then I recorded what I liked about this field trip. I also wrote why I would like to return to the Calvert Marine Museum.

     Finally, I slid my journal entry form into a sheet protector and placed it in my Field Trip Binder.

Activity Directions

Materials needed

  • 3-ring Field Trip Journal Binder
  • Sheet protector
  • Field Trip Journal Entry Form.

Pre-Trip Activity

1. Download and print a copy of the Field Trip Journal Entry Form. You should print a copy for each of your children.

Field Trip Journal Entry Form

Download and print this PDF Field Trip Journal Entry Form by clicking on the button below.

2. Have your children brainstorm possible questions that might be answered during the field trip.

3. Have each child pick a special question that s/he would like have answered during the field trip. Having a single important question helps focus the learning.

4. Have your children fill in the top portion of the Field Trip Journal Entry Form. On the line in the Purpose section, have your children write the special question that they personally would like answered.

5. Take a piece of paper or small notebook with you to the event. You will use it right after the field trip.

During Trip Activity

  1. Just before entering the event, have each child review their Purpose Question. They should listen carefully for the answer to their question as they attend the event.
  2.  Encourage your children to ask questions, including the questions that came up during the brainstorm session before the trip. All questions help to increase the interest in the event and focus learning.
  3. Your children may like to take notes during the field trip, to help them remember what they learned.

Post Trip Activity

  1. When you get back to the car, take out the piece of paper or notebook. Have everyone take turns recalling what they learned, while you write everything down. (If you have a driver, you could do this while s/he drives home.)
  2. At home, have the children copy ideas from the notes you took in the car. They should record only the ideas that they like best. They should not write in complete sentences.
  3. Have each child consider his/her Purpose Question. Was it answered during the field trip? If it was answered, then have the child place a check beside the question. They should include the answer in the “What I learned” section.
  4. Have the children record what they liked about the event and why they might like to return some day.
  5. Have your children place their Field Trip Journal Entry for this trip in a sheet protector, then add it to the Field Trip Journal Binder.