Traveling to see new places has been a defining part of my life. My father was in the navy. This means that I moved frequently as a child. I lived in four states before I was 6 years old. I attended a new school every three years. I even transferred to a new college after two years. I continued to bounce from school to school as an adult schoolteacher. I love seeing new places. Even now, as a senior citizen, I have moved from place to place. Movenment has become part of my “DNA.”

My mother had an insatiable curiosity. She could talk to anone and find out why, or how, or when. I loved standing beside her as she talked to strangers. From the very beginning of my life she would take me on trips. At first, it was to visit relatives. Then as our family grew, she added trips to see various sites around our home. Later, the trips beccame frequent and distant. In the end, we were taking two-week trips across the country every summer. Mom, passed on her instaiable curiosity to me. I, too, am driven to “run and find out.” (Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavy”)

Since I have retired from teaching in school, I have decided to combine my love of teaching and my joy of sightseeing in this blog. I want to pass on my love of learning and seeing new places to you. Through this website, I will be sharing my travel experiences and offering you activities that you can use with your children. You, who travel with me, will be my legacy.

I hope you enjoy my new website.

Aunt Shirley

P.S. I have 58 nieces and nephews, hence the name Aunt Shirley.